Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 3 of the Fast

Day 3

First thing I do is a weigh myself in the morning, after having urinated. My weight was at 151 pounds, meaning I lost 8 pounds in 2 days. This would have concerned me, but I realized I have had too much salt in my diet, and judging by how much I had urinated during the night, compared to water intake, I had been letting go of a lot of water I had been holding in. No salt, so it left.

Was feeling a little tired/weak after I got up, when I took a shower, hit a bit harder and I decided to sit/kneel down and just enjoy the water on me. Didn’t do this long, since I didn’t want to waste water. I also didn’t need to do this, just felt like it.

After the shower, I was feeling better. As the day went on I got fuller of energy. Definite change from the day before. Right now it is 2:35 am as I type this, and not tired. Will try to sleep by 3 am even if I’m not tired. I did have some food thinking and desiring. Also had some hunger pangs. A bit after I got up it was a mixture of hunger pangs and nausea. That fortunately went away, and the hunger pangs weren’t as bad as the day before. No restless feeling legs either. I did seem a bit gassy though, burping a lot.

I also wasn't feeling too much of a temperature change. Did feel hot at some points, but not really cold.

Went to a dance jam, wasn’t a ton of dancing, but it was fun and didn’t feel like it drained me at all.

Emotionally, I was feeling surprisingly good, felt some releasing happen, but it happened in a good feeling way. Also got some stuff out at the dance jam.

Neck and wrist only bothered me as much as they normally do, while knees were still feeling a bit worse.

I ended the day with a soak in the tub with epson salt and lavender, peppermint, and spearmint oils, followed by abhyangha (oil application) with sesame oil.

Activities: ~40 minutes of pranayamas, 1 hour mediation, some guided meditations, and the dance jam.

Weight: 151

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 2 of the Fast

Day 2

This day was more fun. Was feeling really hot, while my feet felt cold. This happened with other parts of my body, some feeling hot, others cold. There were some just cold moments too. Most of the day I was feeling tired and weak, like I could have gone to bed or taken a nap. Also felt like I was having restless legs, like they wanted to be moving.

Hunger pangs were definitely annoying this day. Was also thinking about and desiring food more. Felt real close to breaking the fast a couple of times. Emotionally, I was having this hate come up. Hate at how my body is unhealthy, and how I have for a long time had to worry about what I ate and had a lot of restrictions on what I could eat. In the regard that, if I have plans or a busy day the next day, eating a lot (or normal) could really infer with them. It really sucks! The feeling was I just wanted to be healthy and able to eat like a “normal” person, with no worries about how poorly the food passes out me.

My wrists, neck, and knees were hurting more than usual this day. I’ll call it just detoxing/healing and so it shall be.

I did use an enema in the evening, because it felt like it was needed. The GI problems do make clearing out not always easy, and it did is job. So glad I listened. Although when/if I do a water fast again, I think getting a colonic the second day would be better.

When I went to bed around 10 pm, I wasn’t feeling nearly as tired. Got about 3 hours of sleep, then found myself wide awake at 2 am. Got up and went back to bed at 4:30 am, got about 5 to 6 hours of sleep and eventually was up at noon. Lots of waking up and going back to sleep.

Activities: ~40 minutes of pranayamas, the Five Tibetan Rites, and some guided meditations.

I had also wanted to do an hour of meditation, but felt too tired during the day. Let my mind win in not doing it later in the night.

Weight: 156

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 1 of the Fast

Day 1

This day was pretty easy. Not much was going on mentally, and did have some hunger pangs, but they weren’t too bad. The most major thing I dealt with this day was the results of having drank about 2/3 of a bottle of prune juice the night before to help me cleanse out.

Activities: ~40 minutes of pranayamas, 1 hour meditation, advanced yoga class, the Five Tibetan Rites, and some guided meditations.

Weight: 159

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Why I am fasting on water.

I recently did a non-water fast, and a couple of weeks after it, I felt guided to do a complete water fast. The idea at first was to could break my attachment to food. It was not a healthy one. After researching it, I found it can have some amazing health benefits too. Giving the body/GI tract a rest to focus all of its energy on healing.

I do have some health issues, especially with my GI tract. So this seemed like the perfect thing for me to do.

With all that, I decided that it would be best, and I figure creating a journal of the experience will help give some insight to others who are also interested in fasting on just water.


Forgot to mention, during the fast I am practicing celibacy. Releasing those types of bodily fluids takes energy away from the body, plus vitamins, minerals, etc. When I'm driving, no radio. Also can drain energy. I have been watching a little TV, which can drain too.. but ya know.. I'm restricting a lot! I've been watching a lot less than I use to though.

To prepare for the fast, I ate fairly healthy before hand, including foods like cabbage that move through you easily, and for the 2-3 weeks before hand, I was taking psyllium to help me cleanse. Good to try and cleanse yourself before water fasting. Supposed to make it easier. Then the night before I started, drank 3/4ths of a bottle of prune juice. That was fun!